Aphasia Awareness Month: A Brief Guide to Aphasia

A silhouette of a person and a speech bubble full of random letters, representing aphasia.

June is Aphasia Awareness Month, a time dedicated to improving understanding of aphasia. This month, we aim to educate more people about aphasia and the assistive technologies, like Spoken, that can help those affected.

What is Aphasia?

Aphasia is a language disorder that impairs a person’s ability to communicate effectively. It occurs when there is damage to the language centers of the brain, often due to stroke, brain injury, or neurodegenerative diseases. It can impact a person’s ability to speak, understand, read, or write words. Importantly, though, it does not affect intelligence.

The severity of aphasia can vary widely, from mild difficulty finding words to complete loss of the ability to communicate verbally. The exact symptoms experienced depend on the type of aphasia a person has developed, which corresponds with the location of their brain injury.

Addressing Misconceptions About Aphasia

High-profile cases like Bruce Willis’ diagnosis have recently brought aphasia into the public eye, but they have also led to some unfortunate misunderstandings. It’s important to clarify that aphasia is not a form of dementia and does not affect overall cognitive function. Misinformation can lead to unnecessary fear and stigma, so it’s crucial to rely on accurate sources. We suggest consulting the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) or the National Aphasia Association for more information about aphasia.

The Role of AAC in Supporting Aphasia

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) tools are designed to assist individuals who have difficulty with verbal communication. These tools can range from simple picture boards to high-tech devices and apps. AAC is essential in empowering individuals with aphasia, enabling them to communicate more effectively and regain their independence.

How Spoken Can Help

Spoken is our innovative AAC app. It’s a versatile and user-friendly tool for individuals with aphasia. Here’s are some of Spoken’s features that are especially helpful for anyone dealing with the condition:

Help Us Spread Awareness

Aphasia Awareness Month is an opportunity to educate the public and advocate for the use of AAC tools. By increasing awareness, we can help those with aphasia feel more understood and supported in their daily lives. Please help us spread awareness by sharing this blog with others.

About Spoken

Spoken is an app that helps people with aphasia, nonverbal autism, and other speech and language disorders.