February 2023 Content Roundup

Each month, we’re planning to bring you a roundup of interesting content dealing with autism, aphasia, communication, and the intersection of these topics with technology.
Technology and Communication
Will AI Tech Like ChatGPT Improve Inclusion for People with Communication Disability?
This article dives into the possibility of using ChatGPT to assist people with communication disorders. We find this concept particularly exciting, because our app Spoken already leverages GPT-based models to generate improved next-word predictions.
Augmented Reality in Treatment: Fun and Functional
Can speech-language pathologists use augmented reality (AR) to help people with communication disorders? This thought-provoking article from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) discusses supporting individuals with these disorders by bringing text and images to life.
AAC Advocacy
Why Some Autistic People Choose AAC and Oral Speech
This episode of the ASHA Voices podcast discusses the stigmatization of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) use and advocates for allowing people with autism to choose AAC even when communicating orally is an option.
Aphasia Resources
Eight Listening Skills… to Battle Aphasia
The author of this post – who suffers from nonfluent aphasia and agraphia herself – outlines eight tools that helped advance her recovery. These tools not only helped her regain her communication skills, but also brought joy and pleasure to her recovery process!
Accommodations for Aphasia: Fetterman and Navigating the Workplace
What can employers do to better accommodate workers suffering from aphasia, and what cues they can take from the US Senate as it does the same for freshman congressman, John Fetterman? Read what the National Aphasia Association has to say.
A Brief but Spectacular Take on How Language is Your Life
Last, we have an insightful segment from PBS NewsHour in which two aphasic individuals share their personal experiences with the condition.
About Spoken
Spoken is an app that helps people with aphasia, nonverbal autism, and other speech and language disorders.