Spoken Smashes Past 100k Download Milestone, Empowering More People

Big text thanking everyone for helping Spoken achieve 100,000 downloads, accompanied by colorful confetti.

We are thrilled to share a significant milestone in our journey: Spoken has exceeded 100,000 downloads! This achievement represents not only the success of our app but, more importantly, the countless individuals who have been given a voice through it. We are deeply grateful to all the users, families, caregivers, and professionals who have embraced our app and made it an essential tool in breaking communication barriers.

Spoken’s strength lies in its ability to empower individuals who struggle with communication. By offering a voice to them through innovative AAC technology, we are fostering inclusion and enabling more people to express their thoughts, emotions, and needs. Witnessing the positive impact our app has had on the lives of so many is truly humbling.

Reaching 100,000 downloads would not have been possible without the support and dedication of our incredible community. Your trust, feedback, and stories of success have been the driving force behind the continued development of Spoken. We are immensely grateful for your contributions and want you to know the app wouldn’t be the same without them.

As we celebrate this accomplishment, we’d like to invite more of you to share your success stories, experiences, and the ways in which Spoken has made a difference in your life or the lives of your loved ones. By sharing these stories, we can not only find ways to improve the app, but also inspire and encourage others who may be on a similar journey.

Things don’t end here—we remain committed to improving Spoken, listening to your valuable feedback, and implementing new features that will further enhance one’s ability to communicate. Together, we will continue to amplify voices, break barriers, and champion inclusion!

Once again, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the users, families, caregivers, and professionals who have embraced the app! With 100,000 downloads behind us, we embark on an exciting future, hoping to reach even more individuals with this transformative technology. Thank you for being part of the journey!

About Spoken

Spoken is an app that helps people with aphasia, nonverbal autism, and other speech and language disorders.